Revista CD Expert 37
CD Expert nº 37.iso
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* <F4><C3> COLONY (F3)
+ <F2><C1>
+ Although the auto build feature helps you, it will be necessary, at
- times, for you to intervene in the construction of colonies. To view
- a colony, left click and hold the mouse over a planet on the Starmap
- Move the cursor over the planet surface icon that appears and release
- the mouse button. Alternatively, you can select the planet by either
- left clicking on it and pressing the F3 key or left clicking on a planet
- then right clicking the small information window in the bottom left of
- the screen.
* <Pkolonia_kis.bmp>
+ <F3><C5>COLONY SCREEN <F2><C1>
+ To move the camera on around the colony you can use the arrow keys to
- rotate or tilt your view and the + and - keys to zoom in or out. If you
- move the cursor to the edge of the screen, the screen will scroll in
- that direction.
+ You can also move to a point on the map by left clicking the radar map
- in the bottom right corner of the screen. On the radar, operational
- buildings are shown as white dots and non-operational buildings are shown
- by grey dots. Tanks and defense buildings are show as green dots.
* <Pcol_radar.bmp>
+ Tax is paid by the citizens who live on your colonies. Larger colonies
- can house more citizens and therefore generate more tax income.
- You must also make sure your citizens are happy by constructing civilian
- buildings such as parks and recreation centres. Building too many
- industrial buildings will make your citizens unhappy. The happier your
- citizens, the more willing they are to pay higher levels of tax.
+ Buildings must be operataional before they have an effect on the colony.
- Buildings require enough electricity and workers to function correctly.
- Above the small information window are two sets of numbers. The
- number to the right next to the electricty symbol shows you the energy
- status of the planet. If this number is red, it means you are not
- generating enough power to operate all the buildings. The number to the
- right of the human figure shows the worker status. If this number is red
- it means there aren't enough people on your colony to operate all the
- buildings.
* <Ppop_needed.bmp>
+ If you see an electrical symbol above one of your buildings, it means
- that this building is not receiving enough electricity to function. This
- can be rectified by switching off other buildings or by building a power
- plant. If a human figure is seen above the building, it means that this
- building does not have enough workers to function. This can be
- rectified by switching off other buildings or by lowering the tax
- level which should increase the population on the colony.
* <Pelectric2.bmp>
+ The small information window in the bottom left corner of the screen
- displays general information about the colony (see planet information).
- If you left click on a building the following information is displayed.
+ Type of building
+ <C5>Working:<C1> When your buildings are damaged their efficiency is lower
- until they are repaired. In certain cases, such as when a building is
- 50% damaged, they can stop working entirely.
+ <C5>Damage:<C1> The level of damage to this building.
+ <C5>Product:<C1> If the building is a power station this shows the amount of
- energy generated. If the building is a factory it shows the amount this
- building adds to the planets production capacity, other buildings show
- how many people the buildings are able to serve.
+ When a tank is selected the following information will appear:
+ <C5>Type of the tank.<C1>
+ <C5>Name of the empire <C1>that owns the tank.
+ <C5>Damage:<C1> Level of damage the tank has sustained.
+ <C5>Speed:<C1> The speed of the tank.
+ <C5>List of equipment:<C1> The equipment fitted to this tank.
+ If you select a building you will see some new icons at the bottom of
- the screen. These are:
+ <C5>Repair:<C1> Although your damaged buildings are repaired automatically
- by your workers, it is sometimes necessary to speed up the work. If you
- click on this icon the repair process is completed immediately. However,
- repairs cost a lot of money. If the building has 25% damage for example,
- the repairs cost quarter the price of a new building.
* <Pdemolish.bmp> <C5>Demolish:<C1> Demolishes the selected building. By demolishing
* buildings you will recieve half the original cost back.
* <Pon_off.bmp> <C5>Switch on/off:<C1> If you need additional workers or energy you
* can switch off your less important buildings. A red cross will
* appear then above them to indicate they have been switched off.
+ <C5>Self destruct:<C1> If you have a self-destruct building, you can destroy
- the entire colony with a click of the mouse button. This can be used
- at times when the enemy is about to take over your colony, sometimes
- it is better to destroy the colony (and any enemy tanks on the surface)
- than let it fall into enemy hands.
+ <F3><C5>BUILDING <F2><C1>
+ You can construct new buildings using the building window in the top left
- corner of the screen. Move the cursor over the window then left click and
- hold mouse button. A menu of all available buildings will be shown.
- Next to each building name is a number that shows how many buildings of
- that type are already on the colony. Move the cursor over the building
- you want to construct and release the mouse button to select it. The
- building will then be displayed in the window. To the left of the window
- the cost of the building is displayed, along with its energy
- consumption and required work force.
* <Pepit.bmp>
+ When you have selected a building you can choose where to construct it
- by moving the building over the landscape. You are only able to build on
- flat terrain that isn't obstructed by rocks or trees. Left click on the
- desired location to start construction. Construction time depends on
- the complexity of the building but can be accelerated by constructing
- more colony hubs.
+ If the image of a building already appears in the building window,
- you can left click on it to select it then select the location on the colony.